

5 May 1993

Original: ENGLISH
Communication No. 385/1989 : Canada. 05/05/93.
CCPR/C/47/D/385/1989. (Jurisprudence)

Convention Abbreviation: CCPR
Human Rights Committee
Forty-seventh session


Views of the Human Rights Committee under article 5, paragraph 4,
of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights

- Forty-seventh session -

Communications Nos. 359/1989 and 385/1989*

Submitted by: John Ballantyne and Elizabeth Davidson, and Gordon McIntyre

Alleged victims: The authors

State party: Canada

Date of communications: 10 April and 21 November 1989 (initial submissions)

W. Sadi
B. Ndiaye
K. Herndl
B. Wennergren

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Geneva, Switzerland