Council Directive 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning certain aspects of
the organization of working time
Official Journal L 307 , 13/12/1993
p. 0018 - 0024
Amended by 300L0034
(OJ L 195 01.08.2000 p.41)
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/104/EC of 23 November 1993 concerning certain aspects of
the organization of working time
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in
particular Article 118a thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the
Commission(1) ,
In cooperation with the European Parliament(2) ,
regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(3) ,
Article 118a of the Treaty provides that the Council shall adopt, by means of
directives, minimum requirements for encouraging improvements, especially in the
working environment, to ensure a better level of protection of the safety and
health of workers;
Whereas, under the terms of that Article, those
directives are to avoid imposing administrative, financial and legal constraints
in a way which would hold back the creation and development of small and
medium-sized undertakings;
Whereas the provisions of Council Directive
89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage
improvements in the safety and health of workers at work(4) are fully applicable
to the areas covered by this Directive without prejudice to more stringent
and/or specific provisions contained therein;
Whereas the Community Charter
of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers, adopted at the meeting of the
European Council held at Strasbourg on 9 December 1989 by the Heads of State or
of Government of 11 Member States, and in particular points 7, first
subparagraph, 8 and 19, first subparagraph, thereof, declared that:
'7. The
completion of the internal market must lead to an improvement in the living and
working conditions of workers in the European Community. This process must
result from an approximation of these conditions while the improvement is being
maintained, as regards in particular the duration and organization of working
time and forms of employment other than open-ended contracts, such as fixed-term
contracts, part-time working, temporary work and seasonal work.
8. Every
worker in the European Community shall have a right to a weekly rest period and
to annual paid leave, the duration of which must be progressively harmonized in
accordance with national practices.
19. Every worker must enjoy satisfactory
health and safety conditions in his working environment. Appropriate measures
must be taken in order to achieve further harmonization of conditions in this
area while maintaining the improvements made.';
Whereas the improvement of
workers' safety, hygiene and health at work is an objective which should not be
subordinated to purely economic considerations;
Whereas this Directive is a
practical contribution towards creating the social dimension of the internal
Whereas laying down minimum requirements with regard to the
organization of working time is likely to improve the working conditions of
workers in the Community;
Whereas, in order to ensure the safety and health
of Community workers, the latter must be granted minimum daily, weekly and
annual periods of rest and adequate breaks; whereas it is also necessary in this
context to place a maximum limit on weekly working hours;
Whereas account
should be taken of the principles of the International Labour Organization with
regard to the organization of working time, including those relating to night
Whereas, with respect to the weekly rest period, due account should be
taken of the diversity of cultural, ethnic, religious and other factors in the
Member States; whereas, in particular, it is ultimately for each Member State to
decide whether Sunday should be included in the weekly rest period, and if so to
what extent;
Whereas research has shown that the human body is more
sensitive at night to environmental disturbances and also to certain burdensome
forms of work organization and that long periods of night work can be
detrimental to the health of workers and can endanger safety at the workplace;
Whereas there is a need to limit the duration of periods of night work,
including overtime, and to provide for employers who regularly use night workers
to bring this information to the attention of the competent authorities if they
so request;
Whereas it is important that night workers should be entitled to
a free health assessment prior to their assignment and thereafter at regular
intervals and that whenever possible they should be transferred to day work for
which they are suited if they suffer from health problems;
Whereas the
situation of night and shift workers requires that the level of safety and
health protection should be adapted to the nature of their work and that the
organization and functioning of protection and prevention services and resources
should be efficient;
Whereas specific working conditions may have
detrimental effects on the safety and health of workers; whereas the
organization of work according to a certain pattern must take account of the
general principle of adapting work to the worker;
Whereas, given the
specific nature of the work concerned, it may be necessary to adopt separate
measures with regard to the organization of working time in certain sectors or
activities which are excluded from the scope of this Directive;
Whereas, in
view of the question likely to be raised by the organization of working time
within an undertaking, it appears desirable to provide for flexibility in the
application of certain provisions of this Directive, whilst ensuring compliance
with the principles of protecting the safety and health of workers;
it is necessary to provide that certain provisions may be subject to derogations
implemented, according to the case, by the Member States or the two sides of
industry; whereas, as a general rule, in the event of a derogation, the workers
concerned must be given equivalent compensatory rest periods,
Article 1
and scope
1. This Directive lays down minimum safety and health requirements
for the organization of working time.
2. This Directive applies to:
minimum periods of daily rest, weekly rest and annual leave, to breaks and
maximum weekly working time; and
(b) certain aspects of night work, shift
work and patterns of work.
3. This Directive shall apply to all sectors of
activity, both public and private, within the meaning of Article 2 of Directive
89/391/EEC, without prejudice to Article 17 of this Directive, with the
exception of air, rail, road, sea, inland waterway and lake transport, sea
fishing, other work at sea and the activities of doctors in training;
4. The
provisions of Directive 89/391/EEC are fully applicable to the matters referred
to in paragraph 2, without prejudice to more stringent and/or specific
provisions contained in this Directive.
Article 2
the purposes of this Directive, the following definitions shall apply:
working time shall mean any period during which the worker is working, at the
employer's disposal and carrying out his activity or duties, in accordance with
national laws and/or practice;
2. rest period shall mean any period which is
not working time;
3. night time shall mean any period of not less than seven
hours, as defined by national law, and which must include in any case the period
between midnight and 5 a. m.;
4. night worker shall mean:
(a) on the one
hand, any worker, who, during night time, works at least three hours of his
daily working time as a normal course; and
(b) on the other hand, any worker
who is likely during night time to work a certain proportion of his annual
working time, as defined at the choice of the Member State concerned:
(i) by
national legislation, following consultation with the two sides of industry;
(ii) by collective agreements or agreements concluded between the two
sides of industry at national or regional level;
5. shift work shall mean
any method of organizing work in shifts whereby workers succeed each other at
the same work stations according to a certain pattern, including a rotating
pattern, and which may be continuous or discontinuous, entailing the need for
workers to work at different times over a given period of days or weeks;
shift worker shall mean any worker whose work schedule is part of shift work.
Article 3
Daily rest
Member States shall take the
measures necessary to ensure that every worker is entitled to a minimum daily
rest period of 11 consecutive hours per 24-hour period.
Article 4
Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that,
where the working day is longer than six hours, every worker is entitled to a
rest break, the details of which, including duration and the terms on which it
is granted, shall be laid down in collective agreements or agreements between
the two sides of industry or, failing that, by national legislation.
Article 5
Weekly rest period
Member States shall take the
measures necessary to ensure that, per each seven-day period, every worker is
entitled to a minimum uninterrupted rest period of 24 hours plus the 11 hours'
daily rest referred to in Article 3.
The minimum rest period referred to in
the first subparagraph shall in principle include Sunday.
If objective,
technical or work organization conditions so justify, a minimum rest period of
24 hours may be applied.
Article 6
Maximum weekly working
Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that, in
keeping with the need to protect the safety and health of workers:
1. the
period of weekly working time is limited by means of laws, regulations or
administrative provisions or by collective agreements or agreements between the
two sides of industry;
2. the average working time for each seven-day
period, including overtime, does not exceed 48 hours.
Article 7
Annual leave
1. Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure
that every worker is entitled to paid annual leave of at least four weeks in
accordance with the conditions for entitlement to, and granting of, such leave
laid down by national legislation and/or practice.
2. The minimum period of
paid annual leave may not be replaced by an allowance in lieu, except where the
employment relationship is terminated.
Article 8
Length of night work
Member States shall
take the measures necessary to ensure that:
1. normal hours of work for
night workers do not exceed an average of eight hours in any 24-hour period;
2. night workers whose work involves special hazards or heavy physical or
mental strain do not work more than eight hours in any period of 24 hours during
which they perform night work.
For the purposes of the aforementioned, work
involving special hazards or heavy physical or mental strain shall be defined by
national legislation and/or practice or by collective agreements or agreements
concluded between the two sides of industry, taking account of the specific
effects and hazards of night work.
Article 9
Health assessment and
transfer of night workers to day work
1. Member States shall take the
measures necessary to ensure that:
(a) night workers are entitled to a free
health assessment before their assignment and thereafter at regular intervals;
(b) night workers suffering from health problems recognized as being
connected with the fact that they perform night work are transferred whenever
possible to day work to which they are suited.
2. The free health assessment
referred to in paragraph 1 (a) must comply with medical confidentiality.
The free health assessment referred to in paragraph 1 (a) may be conducted
within the national health system.
Article 10
Guarantees for
night-time working
Member States may make the work of certain categories of
night workers subject to certain guarantees, under conditions laid down by
national legislation and/or practice, in the case of workers who incur risks to
their safety or health linked to night-time working.
Article 11
Notification of regular use of night workers
Member States shall take the
measures necessary to ensure that an employer who regularly uses night workers
brings this information to the attention of the competent authorities if they so
Article 12
Safety and health protection
Member States
shall take the measures necessary to ensure that:
1. night workers and shift
workers have safety and health protection appropriate to the nature of their
2. appropriate protection and prevention services or facilities with
regard to the safety and health of night workers and shift workers are
equivalent to those applicable to other workers and are available at all times.
Article 13
Pattern of work
Member States shall take the measures
necessary to ensure that an employer who intends to organize work according to a
certain pattern takes account of the general principle of adapting work to the
worker, with a view, in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work at a
predetermined work-rate, depending on the type of activity, and of safety and
health requirements, especially as regards breaks during working time.
Article 14
More specific
Community provisions
The provisions of this Directive shall not apply where
other Community instruments contain more specific requirements concerning
certain occupations or occupational activities.
Article 15
favourable provisions
This Directive shall not affect Member States' right to
apply or introduce laws, regulations or administrative provisions more
favourable to the protection of the safety and health of workers or to
facilitate or permit the application of collective agreements or agreements
concluded between the two sides of industry which are more favourable to the
protection of the safety and health of workers.
Article 16
Member States may lay down:
1. for the application of Article 5
(weekly rest period), a reference period not exceeding 14 days;
2. for the
application of Article 6 (maximum weekly working time), a reference period not
exceeding four months.
The periods of paid annual leave, granted in
accordance with Article 7, and the periods of sick leave shall not be included
or shall be neutral in the calculation of the average;
3. for the
application of Article 8 (length of night work), a reference period defined
after consultation of the two sides of industry or by collective agreements or
agreements concluded between the two sides of industry at national or regional
If the minimum weekly rest period of 24 hours required by Article 5
falls within that reference period, it shall not be included in the calculation
of the average.
Article 17
1. With due regard for the
general principles of the protection of the safety and health of workers, Member
States may derogate from Article 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 16 when, on account of the
specific characteristics of the activity concerned, the duration of the working
time is not measured and/or predetermined or can be determined by the workers
themselves, and particularly in the case of:
(a) managing executives or
other persons with autonomous decision-taking powers;
(b) family workers;
(c) workers officiating at religious ceremonies in churches and religious
2. Derogations may be adopted by means of laws, regulations or
administrative provisions or by means of collective agreements or agreements
between the two sides of industry provided that the workers concerned are
afforded equivalent periods of compensatory rest or that, in exceptional cases
in which it is not possible, for objective reasons, to grant such equivalent
periods of compensatory rest, the workers concerned are afforded appropriate
2.1. from Articles 3, 4, 5, 8 and 16:
(a) in the case of
activities where the worker's place of work and his place of residence are
distant from one another or where the worker's different places of work are
distant from one another;
(b) in the case of security and surveillance
activities requiring a permanent presence in order to protect property and
persons, particularly security guards and caretakers or security firms;
in the case of activities involving the need for continuity of service or
production, particularly:
(i) services relating to the reception, treatment
and/or care provided by hospitals or similar establishments, residential
institutions and prisons;
(ii) dock or airport workers;
(iii) press,
radio, television, cinematographic production, postal and telecommunications
services, ambulance, fire and civil protection services;
(iv) gas, water and
electricity production, transmission and distribution, household refuse
collection and incineration plants;
(v) industries in which work cannot be
interrupted on technical grounds;
(vi) research and development activities;
(vii) agriculture;
(d) where there is a foreseeable surge of activity,
particularly in:
(i) agriculture;
(ii) tourism;
(iii) postal
2.2. from Articles 3, 4, 5, 8 and 16:
(a) in the circumstances
described in Article 5 (4) of Directive 89/391/EEC;
(b) in cases of accident
or imminent risk of accident;
2.3. from Articles 3 and 5:
(a) in the
case of shift work activities, each time the worker changes shift and cannot
take daily and/or weekly rest periods between the end of one shift and the start
of the next one;
(b) in the case of activities involving periods of work
split up over the day, particularly those of cleaning staff.
3. Derogations
may be made from Articles 3, 4, 5, 8 and 16 by means of collective agreements or
agreements concluded between the two sides of industry at national or regional
level or, in conformity with the rules laid down by them, by means of collective
agreements or agreements concluded between the two sides of industry at a lower
Member States in which there is no statutory system ensuring the
conclusion of collective agreements or agreements concluded between the two
sides of industry at national or regional level, on the matters covered by this
Directive, or those Member States in which there is a specific legislative
framework for this purpose and within the limits thereof, may, in accordance
with national legislation and/or practice, allow derogations from Articles 3, 4,
5, 8 and 16 by way of collective agreements or agreements concluded between the
two sides of industry at the appropriate collective level.
The derogations
provided for in the first and second subparagraphs shall be allowed on condition
that equivalent compensating rest periods are granted to the workers concerned
or, in exceptional cases where it is not possible for objective reasons to grant
such periods, the workers concerned are afforded appropriate protection.
Member States may lay down rules:
- for the application of this
paragraph by the two sides of industry, and
- for the extension of the
provisions of collective agreements or agreements concluded in conformity with
this paragraph to other workers in accordance with national legislation and/or
4. The option to derogate from point 2 of Article 16, provided in
paragraph 2, points 2.1. and 2.2. and in paragraph 3 of this Article, may not
result in the establishment of a reference period exceeding six months.
However, Member States shall have the option, subject to compliance with the
general principles relating to the protection of the safety and health of
workers, of allowing, for objective or technical reasons or reasons concerning
the organization of work, collective agreements or agreements concluded between
the two sides of industry to set reference periods in no event exceeding 12
Before the expiry of a period of seven years from the date referred
to in Article 18 (1) (a), the Council shall, on the basis of a Commission
proposal accompanied by an appraisal report, re-examine the provisions of this
paragraph and decide what action to take.
Article 18
1. (a) Member States shall adopt the laws, regulations and
administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 23 November
1996, or shall ensure by that date that the two sides of industry establish the
necessary measures by agreement, with Member States being obliged to take any
necessary steps to enable them to guarantee at all times that the provisions
laid down by this Directive are fulfilled.
(b) (i) However, a Member State
shall have the option not to apply Article 6, while respecting the general
principles of the protection of the safety and health of workers, and provided
it takes the necessary measures to ensure that:
- no employer requires a
worker to work more than 48 hours over a seven-day period, calculated as an
average for the reference period referred to in point 2 of Article 16, unless he
has first obtained the worker's agreement to perform such work,
- no worker
is subjected to any detriment by his employer because he is not willing to give
his agreement to perform such work,
- the employer keeps up-to-date records
of all workers who carry out such work,
- the records are placed at the
disposal of the competent authorities, which may, for reasons connected with the
safety and/or health of workers, prohibit or restrict the possibility of
exceeding the maximum weekly working hours,
- the employer provides the
competent authorities at their request with information on cases in which
agreement has been given by workers to perform work exceeding 48 hours over a
period of seven days, calculated as an average for the reference period referred
to in point 2 of Article 16.
Before the expiry of a period of seven years
from the date referred to in (a), the Council shall, on the basis of a
Commission proposal accompanied by an appraisal report, re-examine the
provisions of this point (i) and decide on what action to take.
Similarly, Member States shall have the option, as regards the application of
Article 7, of making use of a transitional period of not more than three years
from the date referred to in (a), provided that during that transitional period:
- every worker receives three weeks' paid annual leave in accordance with
the conditions for the entitlement to, and granting of, such leave laid down by
national legislation and/or practice, and
- the three-week period of paid
annual leave may not be replaced by an allowance in lieu, except where the
employment relationship is terminated.
(c) Member states shall forthwith
inform the Commission thereof.
2. When Member States adopt the measures
referred to in paragraph 1, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or
shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official
publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the
Member states.
3. Without prejudice to the right of Member States to
develop, in the light of changing circumstances, different legislative,
regulatory or contractual provisions in the field of working time, as long as
the minimum requirements provided for in this Directive are complied with,
implementation of this Directive shall not constitute valid grounds for reducing
the general level of protection afforded to workers.
4. Member States shall
communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law
already adopted or being adopted in the field governed by this Directive.
Member States shall report to the Commission every five years on the practical
implementation of the provisions of this Directive, indicating the viewpoints of
the two sides of industry.
The Commission shall inform the European
Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Advisory
Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work thereof.
6. Every
five years the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council
and the Economic and Social Committee a report on the application of this
Directive taking into account paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Article 19
This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
Done at Brussels, 23
November 1993.
For the Council
The President
(1) OJ No
C 254, 9. 10. 1990, p. 4.
(2) OJ No C 72, 18. 3. 1991, p. 95; and Decision
of 27 October 1993 (not yet published in the Official Journal).
(3) OJ No C
60, 8. 3. 1991, p. 26.
(4) OJ No L 183, 29. 6. 1989, p. 1.